Article 1 - All animals are born equal and they have the same right to existence.
Article 2 - Each animal is entitled to respect. The man, the animal species, can not assign the right to exterminate other animals or to exploit them, violating this direito.Ele has a duty to put their knowledge to the service of others animals. Each animal has a right to consideration, healing and protection of man.
Article 3 - No animal should be subjected to mistreatment and cruel acts. If the death of a Aimal is necessary it should be instantaneous, painless and even anguish.
Article 4 - Each animal that belongs to a wild species have the right to live in their natural environment by land, air or water, and has the right to reproduce. The deprivation of liberty, even for educational purposes, is contrary to that law.
Article 5 - Each animal belongs to a species that usually lives in the environment of man has the right to live and grow at the pace and conditions of life and freedom that are characteristic of their species. All modifications imposed by man for mercantile purpose is contrary to that law.
6 - Each animal that man chooses to partner is entitled to a life as their natural longevity. Abandoning an animal is a cruel and degrading.
7 - Each animal who works has the right to reasonable limitation of time and intensity of work and adequate nutrition and rest.
8 - Animal experimentation involving physical suffering is incompatible with the rights of animals, whether an experienced medical, scientific, commercial or otherwise. A substitute technique must be used and developed.
9 - In case of an animal bred for food, it must be fed, housed, transported and killed without it being in on anxiety and pain.
10 - No animal should be used for entertainment. Animal exhibitions and shows that use animals are incompatible with the dignity of the animal.
11 - The action that causes the death of an animal is without a biocide, or crime against life.
12 - Every act that leads to death of large numbers of wild animals is genocide, or crime against the species.
13 - The dead animal should be treated with respect. Violent scenes in which animals are victims should be banned in movies and on television, unless they show a focus attack
to animal rights.
14 - The associations for the protection and preservation of animals must be represented at government level. Animal rights must be defended by law as human rights.
(Resolution adopted by the UN)
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