Friday, November 19, 2010

Remove Parkay Flooring

Exhibition 2010 Estággio
Artists Atelier Estággio, directed by Vera Wildner, show their works in the Photo Gallery La

The exhibit brings the public the recent work of twenty artists from the Atelier Estággio, who are developing their work, their technique, the exchange of ideas and experimentation in the area founded by the artist in 1983.

The paintings, in various dimensions and techniques, reflect the different stages and forms of expression of each of the participating artists. Playful, figurative, abstract or not, the works also reveal a universe of creative possibilities in which each seeks to explore creative ability and find its own language. This process eventually gives name to the exhibition, which draws an analogy between the name of the studio and maturing - or "stage" - the technical and artistic of its members.

Participate exposure: Spider Ainez Rosito Angela Ognibene, Ana Luiza Mahler, Charlotte Kessel garic (Loti) Clara Serrano, Eliana Moreschi, Ivete Angelina Battastini, Brass Karin Erica, Fabricio Lucy, Lucy Wainberg, Leonor Pinto Moura, Leda Zimmermann, Maria do Horto Bastos Kuhn, Myriam Vasconcellos, Maria Mason Marques, Mariana Sperotto Geiss, Maria Stela Jacob Saldanha, Roseli Becker and Victoria Davoglio Ribas.

The visit takes place from November 19 to December 8, Tuesday to Friday, from 11h to 19h, and Saturdays and Sundays from 11h to 15h at Galeria La Photo (Peace Tv 44), with free admission.


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