Monday, January 3, 2011

Should I Use Clairol Born Blonde?

The exhibition "Associated Bodies" by Andrea Oliveira, remains in the gallery until the 4th of March 2011, daylight saving time differently, Tuesday to Friday from 11h to 19h, or schedule your visit by e-mail or phones la Photo.

The works are all on sale.

The show is the result of work of the doctoral thesis the artist, done in Canada, and the defense presentation took place in the gallery, on 20/12.

The Examination Commission was Dra.Tania Gallli Maria da Fonseca (orientadora-UFRGS/PPGIE)), D ra. Maria Cristina V. Biazus (co-orientadora-UFRGS/PPGIE) Dr.Brian Massumi (co-orientador-UdM/Canadá), Renato Dr.Hermes Hildebrand-UNICAMPI/PUCRS, Dr Liliana de-UFSE Scotia, Dr. Maria Ivone Santos - UFRGS / VAPP and Dr. Cleci Maraschin-UFRGS/PPGIE.


We opened new perspectives with ETSA innovative initiative, and it will bear fruit, they talked about new projects and works in partnership with UFRGS.

LA Photo has groups running activities for the University of the Arts (drama, music and visual), opening possibilities always.


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