Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How O Make Hair Stop Growing

The rosewood bridge and


A year ago this 19th day of January, a rosewood from Church Square in Porto Alegre came to the floor, spreading trunks and branches in profusion not guessed by whom he had vaguely contemplated over the years. That same year, also in early January, the bridge fell in CRS 287 over the river JacuĂ­ between Acute and Restinga Seca. The river in its flow suddenly beehive, swallowed the mass of concrete, iron and asphalt, taking five lives, and crops and many other facilities.

past year, a new bridge was built, implemented in record time, being in a feat worthy of recognition and retrospective visible, attested guarantor of human ingenuity. Since the jacaranda remains in a condition of illness. Pierced its heart, filled by another mass of construction debris, the same bitter twisted steel, bent into the concrete now despised.

far has made and promoted this year just ended, while the rosewood if it prolonged the agony. If you lavish on big meritorious deeds and indispensable, we remain scarce in recognizing the value of shade, beauty, absorption of gases and noise, the percolation of water, shelter and nest biodiversity, air oxygenation, a tree gracefully we offer, powered by solar photosynthesis.

The emptiness of the plaza, on the other hand, in whispers for we are missing something: the natural life, even if embedded in the urban crevices. For more move forward with technology and well-being, there is no tree of plastic and metal that will prevent us from death, that this is not artificial, it is very natural. Death will come to us, inexorably, even the most retarded, how come the jacaranda marginalized from Church Square. Perhaps time does not allow us to build bridges of artificial to natural.

geologist Fepam

Article Published in the newspaper Correio do Povo - YEAR 116 N. 111 - PORTO ALEGRE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Should You Shower Before Brazilian

Share, learn, reframe

Blog The House of Care offers a unique space for patients, families and health professionals share their thoughts, experiences and ; legacies. When one reads about something with which one identifies, sit together, even though the distance on his journey. When someone writes and shares something deeply meaningful and revealing their humanity, ability to live, and find meaning in life despite the circumstances of great grief, is like saying to herself, "Look at the road that . That's part of my story. "

Those interested in publishing texts on such experience send an email to , telling their story. The texts will be posted after contact and approval the sender.

Thank you for participating with us this space!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Aprovel Excessive Urination

Sites on animal rights

To learn more about animal rights and legislation, visit the following websites:
http:// .

Monday, January 3, 2011

Does Herpes Get Worse As You Get Older

V IVA2011!

thank all who were with us in 2010 a wonderful year!

For 2011 ... our dreams will come truth!

Wait, calendar, already almost full, with national and international exhibitions, music, theater and many projects that LA PHOTO will be happy to provide.

Track, Schedule up and Wait!

Should I Use Clairol Born Blonde?

The exhibition "Associated Bodies" by Andrea Oliveira, remains in the gallery until the 4th of March 2011, daylight saving time differently, Tuesday to Friday from 11h to 19h, or schedule your visit by e-mail or phones la Photo.

The works are all on sale.

The show is the result of work of the doctoral thesis the artist, done in Canada, and the defense presentation took place in the gallery, on 20/12.

The Examination Commission was Dra.Tania Gallli Maria da Fonseca (orientadora-UFRGS/PPGIE)), D ra. Maria Cristina V. Biazus (co-orientadora-UFRGS/PPGIE) Dr.Brian Massumi (co-orientador-UdM/Canadá), Renato Dr.Hermes Hildebrand-UNICAMPI/PUCRS, Dr Liliana de-UFSE Scotia, Dr. Maria Ivone Santos - UFRGS / VAPP and Dr. Cleci Maraschin-UFRGS/PPGIE.


We opened new perspectives with ETSA innovative initiative, and it will bear fruit, they talked about new projects and works in partnership with UFRGS.

LA Photo has groups running activities for the University of the Arts (drama, music and visual), opening possibilities always.