Thursday, March 24, 2011

Letters In Oklahoma Driver License

Inaugural Lecture: Former state secretary presentation for students

Roca Sales - former State Secretary of Environment Jose Alberto Wenzel was in Roca Sales last week. At the invitation of André biologist Cristian Prade and Secretary of Education and Culture, Nelda Erthal Cofferri, he attended the opening ceremony that marked the beginning of the school year in the city and spoke on the theme "Environment, ethics and sustainable development" for some 450 students of municipal, state and private, who filled the Evangelical Community Center.
The issue has attracted the attention of students who questioned the professionals about the environmental disasters that have occurring in the world and the role of human beings to build a better planet. Wenzel, who is a geologist and acts as a server in the State Foundation of Environment (Fepam), stressed the importance of ethics in the daily lives of every person and their role in promoting the welfare of the environment. "When we promote the well-being, we are improving our quality of life," he says.
Closed explanation, students developed questions that were answered by the lecturer. The event also was attended by Mayor Antonio Valesan, which emphasized the role of each one facing the preservation of the environment. Biologist thanked everyone who attended the event and support Municipal Administration for holding the inaugural class. "It is always worth remembering that Roca Sales is all of us, and we must all do our part so that the city is always beautiful and graceful," emphasizes Prade.

Carina Marques

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Olay Face Moisturizer

courses started!

The House of Care began another year of education in palliative care. The first module of
advanced courses began in March with classes on the concepts of palliative care, taught by Dr. Ana Claudia and education class on death conducted by psychologist Julia Maria Kovacs, among other issues addressed by other professionals.
A journey filled with readings, discussions, reflections and experiences begins ...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Green Tar-like Stools With Virus


"How qu walk for the first time I jumped off the trampoline, I got up there and jumped! But the second time I could not .... I was thinking too high when I went to the impulse, a force I stop. Then came a boy and has left me behind. He also was afraid, was looking at the edge of the pool. I told him I had no danger that he was not afraid. But he was really scared. And I pushed him away! He fell down in the water terrified, and I thought I had done a good thing for us all. "

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Depilladas Em La Calle

Article Gazeta do Sul - Bio 2011 campaign of the fraternity's Power

Just ahead of Manaus, the waters of the Rio Negro meet the Solimões. For it was there that the CNBB Brotherhood campaign launched this year. There could be no more appropriate place full of symbolism than this. The opening came on a raft, integrated with nature, with the simplicity of the magnitude of water the size of the Amazon. How much pride, how much running around, how much obsession with the accumulation of goods, how much need created unnecessary, how ostentatious superficiality must be washed in the waters that nourish life, greater motivation of the current campaign.
If simple, so remarkable, the launch of the campaign in favor of life happens in a timely manner. When dry as the region of Bage, in contrast to the flooding of St. Lawrence, together with the size of events tsunami of Tokyo and many other demonstrations of climate change are compounded, can not help but reflect on the cause of all this. There is a trend that brings us into a false comfort of civilization to say that the catastrophic events always occurred, even when there were no humans on the planet. Humans have been too lavish in justifying its attacks against nature, with the arguments that the reason gives us. However, just close your eyes at the entrance of the night when the rare moments of silence has allowed us to know that we humans are interfering heavily in the balance of nature. When we dry plains took the place of water, when we overthrew the homeless flora biodiversity, when we burn fuels heat the atmosphere. If disaster phenomena always occurred, we accelerated and induced to alienate ourselves.

When the end of the Eco-92, for 19 years, plus an opportunity because of the campaign as it prepares for the Rio +20 next year, in the empty auditorium of the event which brought together 179 countries, almost all signatories to Agenda 21, it was a silence on the size of the world. The empty chairs emanated a feeling that there was more innocent. All of us in different proportions and measures, but directly, but even by collusion, we are co-responsible for environmental mismanagement. Therefore, the Brotherhood campaign is a campaign of all.
As the waters of Rio Negro Solimões to join, so we are invited to add up all the creatures of Creation Universal. The silence of the empty chairs at the end of the Eco-92 rises the cry of the birth pains of the current campaign for life, which we are not owners or managers, but cohabiting.

José Alberto Wenzel / Geologist of Fepam
newspaper Gazeta do Sul, 13/03/2011 -

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Much Does The Infinity G35 Cost?

Dead Time / Leonardo Remor - Photos and facilities

From March 10 to April 12

This is the first single from this young artist. The images are obtained through the 35mm negative, where the artist explores the grain in the pursuit of visual poetry.

Texts Sissi Ventuain Betina, curator James Cole and expography Claudia Afonso (architect Paulo) . Remor has a background in audio visual production by Unisinos (RS) , was awarded his short "On any given day" with Sissi Betina Venturin ( 6451908 )

Monday, March 7, 2011

Panasonic Dmc-fz28 Telescope Ring

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Find Status Monitor Brother

Diaries - José Alberto Wenzel

Diaries of Power is a series of interviews quoted by the media group's Gazette stories about the scenes of the governments of Santa Cruz, told by the former mayors.

Jose Alberto Wenzel, who ruled the Holy Cross from 2005 until 2008, had its day interview broadcast March 4, 2011 ending the series.

Star Wars Awana Car Design

Last day to enroll in advanced courses in psychology and multi

We are preparing for the start of two courses of the House of Care. The selection process introduced us to students committed to learning in palliative care. We are excited in anticipation of the first module of each course to be held in March.
Still time to sign up! There is little vague!
If you are interested in participating in these courses, send an email to the , titled: sign me up for the advanced course
will contact you to expedite the process, function of the proximity of the start date.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What The Neutral Wire Does

What Causes Flutter In The Upper Abdomen


The subjective perception of nature and the relentless effects of time. The strangeness of the real
expanded, granular, making an intriguing images of banal everyday life.

smallest details, that matter decomposes, seduce us and touches us. Process of gathering images for the eyes, and feel that if they hold all the images!
Motivated by the sincerity of metaphorical representation look and feel of the author, eroded by the continuous flow of hours, days, of
months, seasons.